Cast Magic™
Casting Powders For Amazing Effects!
The Cast Magic™ Casting System is a new and easy way to add an endless variety of bright metallic, glitter & color effects to finished castings.

Material Documents
Product Documents - Data Sheet / Health & Safety SDS - Bronzonker, Red Devil, Goldfinger, Silver Bullet, Gold Rush, Silver Ghost, Pearly Blue, Copper Tone, Flamus Red, Fish Scale Gold SDS - Boysenberry, Cherry Fizz, Grape Soda, Metallic Green, Pig Iron, Pearly Green SDS - Blueberry Pie, Magenta Pop, Teal Dream SDS - Marshmallow Cream, Mustard ShimmerWith the Cast Magic™ System, you can create spectacular casting effects in a matter of minutes vs. hours or days for hand tooling and finishing. Finished castings are strong and durable. They are also UV and weather resistant. Ideal for making signs, displays, special effects, and other casting applications.


Creating a Metallic Finish on a Batman Cosplay Helmet Using Cast Magic® Pig Iron

How To Make a Metallic Finish on a Resin Casting Using Cast Magic® Powder
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