EpoxAcast™ 650 + 103 Hardener
Slow Set Mineral Filled General Purpose Casting Epoxy
EpoxAcast™ 650 is a mineral filled general purpose casting epoxy that is low cost and versatile. It features a low mixed viscosity for minimal bubble entrapment.
EpoxAcast™ 650 is used for making hard dies for metal stamping as well as patterns and fixtures. It is also used for electrical encapsulation to extend the life cycles and enhance the performance of potted electronic devices.

Quick Tech Data
Mix Ratio By Weight
3.5 hours
Pot Life
24 hours
Cure Time
Barcol 935 Hardness
Off White
Material Documents
Product Documents - Data Sheet / Health & Safety
The high compressive strength of EpoxAcast™ 650 makes it ideal for making stamping dies for production pressing of metal ornaments.
Note: Base and Hardener sold separately. Please make sure to purchase both.