Frequently Asked Questions
We have questions and answers to help you decode the terminology and the fundamentals of mouldmaking and casting.
We have questions and answers to help you decode the terminology and the fundamentals of mouldmaking and casting.
The following Smooth-On materials are designated as aquarium safe:
Metal powders, Mold Max Silicone, OOMOO Silicone, Vytaflex Urethane, Reoflex Urethane, PMC urethane, Flexfoam-iT!, Soma Foama.
Testing Overview
Cured samples of the above products were individually tested. They were mixed, applied and properly cured in accordance with their respective technical bulletins. Base line readings of an aquatic environment were taken. Cured material specimens were then put into the tank for an extended period of time with a variety of fish and invertebrates including clown fish. The water was tested for contaminants at defined intervals. At the conclusion of the testing, contaminant readings did not change and all aquatic life was unaffected by individual material specimens.