Frequently Asked Questions
We have questions and answers to help you decode the terminology and the fundamentals of mouldmaking and casting.
We have questions and answers to help you decode the terminology and the fundamentals of mouldmaking and casting.
Silicone-to-silicone applications, such as creating two-part moulds or casting silicone into silicone, are feasible but necessitate the use of a release agent. This release agent must not contain a substantial quantity of silicone oil.
Here are some release options: Mann Ease Release™ 200 is specially formulated for releasing silicone rubber from silicone and other surfaces. When applied as a light mist coat, it will not disrupt surface details.
A mixture of 2 parts isopropyl alcohol and 1 part dish soap can, in certain instances, be employed to release silicone from silicone.
Petroleum jelly can be utilised to release silicone from silicone, but it should be diluted with mineral spirits to enable application as a thin layer with minimal visible brush strokes.
Whenever feasible, it is advisable to conduct a small-scale test to ensure that the release agent effectively functions with your specific combination of silicone materials.