PMC™-780 DRY
Industrial Liquid Rubber Compound
PMC-780 is a premium performance urethane rubber that offers exceptional strength, durability and abrasion resistance. PMC-780 DOES NOT CONTAIN MOCA – a known cancer causing agent and hazard. Mixed two parts A to one part B by weight or volume, PMC-780 urethane pours easily and cures at room temperature with negligible shrinkage to a solid Shore 80A rubber.

Quick Tech Data
Mix Ratio By Volume
Mix Ratio By Weight
25 minutes
Pot Life
48 hours
Cure Time
80 A
Shore Hardness
Light Amber
Material Documents
Product Documents - Data Sheet / Health & SafetyPick the one best suited for your application: PMC-780 Dry does not exude oil. PMC-780 Wet contains a built in release agent to aid in demoulding concrete. (Note: “wet” rubber has a higher net shrinkage value over time vs. “dry “ rubber.)
Both are used around the world for casting abrasive materials such as concrete (pre-cast concrete, making concrete stamping pads, etc.) and gypsum plasters with high exotherms. PMC-780 Dry is also commonly used to make rubber mechanical parts of varying configurations (gaskets, wheels, and pullies) as well as ball mill liners and vibration/shock pads.


How to Make a Custom Concrete Stamp out of Urethane Rubber